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Posts Tagged ‘Mad

Der skal sælges nogle stykker inden længe …

with 2 comments

Hun trak nogle stykker ud, ikke op, kun lige den størrelse hun skulle bruge.


Written by Donald

Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 8:02 GMT+0000

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Nem aftensmad

with one comment

Det blev meget sent, men det er muligt at lave en rimelig god middag i løbet af 15 minutter.

Written by Donald

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 13:44 GMT+0000

Posted in Liv

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Forrige Mandag …

Charlotte har brækket højre arm og nu skulle hun til kontrol på Hillerød Hospital ortopædisk afd. og først skulle der tages en ny røntgen. Jeg var chauffeur.

Hospitalet er bygget så den nordlige del ligger en etage over gadeplan, dvs man skal en etage op fra hovedindgangen for at komme til grundplan i den nordlige del. Skiltene varierer mellem røntgen, billeddiagnostisk afdeling, og radiologisk afdeling, men bortset fra det har forvaltningen gjort meget for at man kan finde rundt. Når man har været indlagt nogle gange kan man godt finde logikken i det.

Efter røntgen skulle vi så gå over til ortopæderne, første sal, elevatoren virkede ikke. Det var nu mest mig der havde svært ved trapperne pga et knæ som skriger, når jeg belaster det i bøjet tilstand. Sikke nogle gamle svæklinge vi er, tænkte jeg.

Lægerne så på sagerne, og Charlotte kom tilbag og fortalte at der var 3 brud! Ikke at der var kommet mere til siden første gang der blev taget røntgen, og det var jo ikke åbent brud, men når knoglerne bliver smadret kan der jo være både små og store brud, sådan forstår jeg det. Lægerne havde sagt at den armslynge sad helt forkert – og havde anbefalet noget andet + at man skal passe på at albuen ikke bliver stiv, og blodforsyningen skal holdes i gang ved at man somme tider (flere gange om dagen) tager slyngen af, og lader armen hænge lidt mere.

Hjemme var min 14 år gamle Hibiscus igen gået i blomst. Charlotte havde sagt at jeg skulle lave æbleringe af mine dejlige Ingrid Marie Æbler, og det er “guddommelig snacks” når de tørrer.

Written by Donald

Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 11:28 GMT+0000

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Lørdagsmiddag om aftenen

Den lille familie spiser sammen hver lørdag. Var det ikke vores søn, Malte, som foreslog det for nu 5 år siden?

I lørdags skulle jeg først til Helsingør for at få taget røntgenbillede af mit knæ.
Det var faktisk morsomt. Turen gennem Gribskov er smuk – det så helt sommerligt ud, men et par dage efter begynder løvfald. Det nye sundhedshus var nogenlunde let at finde, selv om jeg ikke brugte GPS anbefalingen. Da jeg så ankom og skulle dreje, kom jeg til at dreje den gale vej og fandt så alligevel GPS frem, og nåede i god tid.

Prøv at se loungen, velkomst-hallen, med skulptur, legeplads, sofaer etc.

Da jeg var færdig huskede radiologen at sige: Åbn døren ud til gangen forsigtig, for der er folk der går lige forbi i den smalle gang. Det var sandeligt godt at hun sagde det, ellers havde jeg smækket døren op i to dårligt gående patienter! Bemærk at ved forsigtig kørsel er benzinforbruget 5.8L/100km eller 17km/L — Det er faktisk meget godt.

Hjemme lavede jeg en nem middag – Rema har god rib-eye steg til rimelige priser.

Written by Donald

Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 10:36 GMT+0000

Posted in Liv, Skov og have

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Hele September var fokuseret på at komme afsted på en tur til USA med Malte. Jeg har mange billeder, men de hænger ligesom ikke sammen med historierne om hvad der skulle til. Men her er så tre billeder fra de dage, da jeg skulle pakke og tage afsted.

Da jeg tømte en tegnebog for at have en til DKK og en til USD faldt jeg over nogle bon’er og har taget et billede af en bon fra Netto i 1987. Det mest iøjnefaldende er nok Bærepose 0.40 DKK. Det kan man slet ikke i dag, den mindste møntenhed er (næsten) 5 DKK. Der er ikke mange der slæber rundt med 50-ører, vel?

Spøg tilside, de højeste prisstigninger siden dengang er på tykmælk, kærnemælk, koster dobbelt i dag (mindst). Vi har faktisk haft et rimeligt stabilt pengemarked i de sidste 35 år.

Det andet billede er fra den renoverede Vejby Station, hvor bussen tidligere havde en vendesløjfe, og nu er han nødt til at bakke for at komme tilbage til amtsvejen. Jeg stod og ventede på toget til Helsinge, hvorfra Charlotte kørte os til Lufthavnen.

Det tredie billede er fra dagen efter, hvor jeg trods håbløsheden ved at være blevet afvist ved paskontrollen fik to gode nyheder, rebooking af flyrejsen var muligt, og banken overtager indsigelsen i forbindelse med at SAS websiden sagde “prøv igen” og jeg derfor gik ud fra at der ikke var booket en rejse.

Det sidste billede er “back to normal”, jeg lavede millionbøf til lørdagsmad med den lille familie, en tradition som vi alle tre holder meget af. God mad, musik, kaffe, kortspil.

Written by Donald

Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 23:59 GMT+0000

Posted in Foto, Liv, Music

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Den store flok gæs slog sig ned på marken overfor …

Og ingen af dem var interesserede i at prøve min ovn. Kommer i tanke om at jeg faktisk aldrig har prøvet at plukke en høne, men det burde man jo lære.

Written by Donald

Monday, February 27, 2023 at 9:48 GMT+0000

Posted in Mark, Naturpleje

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Friturestegning med minimal mængde olie?

Indkøb i Rema.

Kasserolle med 1 cm olie, falafel-kugler brænder lidt fast, men kommer løs igen.

Smagsprøve, det var OK.


Written by Donald

Friday, February 24, 2023 at 11:56 GMT+0000

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Nå hænger det sådan sammen …

Pasta alla carbonara – hvor kommer det fra og hvad betyder det? Nej det var ikke mester kokken (“chef” på fransk, capocuoco på italiensk) Mario Carbone, som lagde navn til.

Some connect it to pasta cacio e uova, a Neapolitan dish of pasta tossed with melted lard, beaten raw eggs, and cheese, as documented in Ippolito Cavalcanti’s 1839 Neapolitan cookbook. Because the name comes from the word carbonaro, “coal burner,” some believe the dish was created as a hearty easy-to-make meal by men working outdoors for long periods. Others trace it to the Allied liberation of Rome in 1944, with American GIs bringing their daily ration of eggs and bacon to local restaurants to add to the limited Italian menu. Supporting this story is the first written reference to the dish in newspaper La Stampa in 1950, describing it as a dish prized by American servicemen. Shortly after, carbonara also appears in Elizabeth David’s classic 1954 book Italian Food.

Den forklaring finder man elaboreret i en anden artikel, som nævner en capocuoco fra Bologna – men historien med de allierede soldaters rationer går igen her (se til allersidst):

Pasta Carbonara – Who invented it?

[…] But there’s another version of the history of this popular dish, that seems to be the most accurate. Apparently, it was Renato Gualandi, a chef from Bologna who, history teaches us now, invented pasta alla Carbonara. When I heard this story I was astonished, as I had never heard of him, even though he was – I have now learned – one of the most influential chefs and restaurant owners of post-war Italy.

And yes: apparently Renato Gualandi invented carbonara, guys!

Renato Gualandi: more than pasta Carbonara

Born in 1921, Renato Gualandi started early to work as a delivery boy for one of Bologna’s best-known butchers. In 1932, he was an assistant at a local deli shop, Palmirani. Aged 18, he won his first culinary prize in Catania, Sicily. Towards the end of the Second World War, he cooked both in Bologna, at Baglioni’s, and Imola, at the Albergo Grand’Italia: it was in this period, Gualandi says, that he created Carbonara.

In 1952, he opened his own restaurant in Bologna, the legendary 3G. Gualandi’s approach to food was quite innovative for a time when culinary trends were largely dictated by the kitchens of Europe’s most famous five-star hotels. He ditched novel ingredients and complex flavors to return to the simplicity and authenticity of the dishes of his land, Emilia Romagna, and of Bologna in particular. He certainly had a lot to take inspiration from, considering the culinary patrimony of the region.

In 1959, his restaurant could sit 150 and by the time it closed, 12 years later, there were 7 “sfogline” (women who rolled pasta and pasta dough by hand) working in its kitchens. Very popular was also the 3G deli, annexed to the front section of the restaurant: with its large spit always going, this was where the bolognese went to pick up Gualandi’s creations to bring home.


it was Gualandi himself to tell how carbonara came to be. It was 1944 and Italy was still torn by the war. In those months, Gualandi had been working in Riccione, a seaside town on the Riviera Romagnola, today is known for its beaches and nightlife. When Riccione was freed, the Allied decided to celebrate with a banquet: Gualandi was put in charge of it.

There were quite some names attending, among them Harold Mac Millan, at the time in charge of the British forces, stanced in the Mediterranean (who was to become Prime Minister 13 years later) and UK generals Harold Alexander and Sir Oliver Leese. With such guests, and for such an occasion, Gualandi had to put together something tasty, but only with what was available in town, mostly army rations of dried foods and a little meat. 

Gualandi admitted he wanted to create something new, that could bring together Italian and Anglo-Saxon cuisine; with a bit of help from Slovenian culinary tradition (he said to have been inspired by a soup popular in Isdria, called “spikrofi”), he concocted a sauce for spaghetti made of bacon, cream, processed cheese, and dried egg yolk, topped with a sprinkle of freshly ground pepper.

Needless to say, Gualandi’s dish was a success!

Written by Donald

Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 11:40 GMT+0000

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The Silver Spoon Kitchen

The Silver Spoon by Phaidon Press Editors and The Silver Spoon Kitchen

Reklame: Bogen kan købes på Amazon, verdens rigeste mands Internet butik.

“The quintessential cookbook.” – USA Today

The Silver Spoon, the most influential and bestselling Italian cookbook of the last 50 years, is now available in a new updated and revised edition. This bible of authentic Italian home cooking features over 2,000 revised recipes and is illustrated with 400 brand new, full‐color photographs. A comprehensive and lively book, its uniquely stylish and user‐friendly format makes it accessible and a pleasure to read. The new updated edition features new introductory material covering such topics as how to compose a traditional Italian meal, typical food traditions of the different regions, and how to set an Italian table. It also contains a new section of menus by celebrity chefs cooking traditional Italian food including Mario Batali, Lidia Bastianich, Tony Mantuano, and Rich Torrisi and Mario Carbone.

Il Cucchiaio d’Argento was originally published in Italy in 1950 by the famous Italian design and architectural magazine Domus, and became an instant classic. A select group of cooking experts were commissioned to collect hundreds of traditional Italian home cooking recipes and make them available for the first time to a wider modern audience. In the process, they updated ingredients, quantities and methods to suit contemporary tastes and customs, at the same time preserving the memory of ancient recipes for future generations.

Divided into eleven color‐coded chapters by course, The Silver Spoon is a feat of design as well as content. Chapters include: Sauces, Marinades and Flavored Butters, Antipasti, Appetizers and Pizzas, First Courses, Eggs, Vegetles, Fish and Shellfish, Meat, Poultry, Game, Cheese, and Desserts. It covers everything from coveted authentic sauces and marinades to irresistible dishes such as Penne Rigate with Artichokes, Ricotta and Spinach Gnocchi, Tuscan Minestrone, Meatballs in Brandy, Bresaola with Corn Salad, Pizza Napoletana, Fried Mozzarella Sandwiches and Carpaccio Cipriani.”

1504 pages

Includes over 2,000 authentic Italian recipes

“It’s not so much one more Italian cookbook as the one-volume encyclopedia of Italian home cookery. Lavish illustrations, a helpful glossary of cooking terms and a translation geared to the intelligent layout make The Silver Spoon both pleasant browsing and an accessible manual in the kitchen.” —The Wall Street Journal

Written by Donald

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 17:58 GMT+0000

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Salsa agli spinaci

Link til websiden med denne opskrift,

To eat a nice bright green pasta you don’t necessarily have to use pesto, you can also prepare this simple spinach-based sauce.

Pasta with spinach sauce can also be a great way to introduce children to vegetables.


40 g. almonds

1 clove of garlic

2 salted anchovies

600 g. spinach

6 spoons of extra virgin olive oil

Salt to taste.

Spinach sauce – Salsa agli spinaci


Soak the almonds in hot water for about ten minutes and peel them.

Pound them well in the mortar adding a few tablespoons of water or blend them with a food processor.

Clean and wash the spinach, cook them in a pot without adding water. [without adding water?]

Pour the oil into a pan, add the desalted and boned anchovies, put on the heat and let them melt.

Add the spinach, the crushed garlic and salt to taste, cook for five minutes.

Blend everything with the food processor, put it back in the pan, add the previously prepared almond paste and thicken over low heat, stirring, until it reaches the right density.

Season the pasta with this sauce plus a handful of grated Parmesan and complete with a drizzle of raw oil.

Written by Donald

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 17:50 GMT+0000

Posted in Liv, Videnskab

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Du behøver ikke at læse dette indlæg!

Det er blot nogle opskrifter på forskellige måder at udnytte spinat. Opskrifterne bruger frisk spinat, men det har man jo ikke lige for tiden; til gengæld har vi frost-spinat, som er en af de bedste ressourcer om vinteren. Vitaminer og mineraler, ikke sandt? Man skal lige huske noget med oxalsyre, men ellers?

Jeg kan ærligt talt ikke lide mad fra andre køkkener end mig eget, nåhjo, der var også lige min mors, men hun er jo ikke i køkkenet mere; – og Charlottes, og en gang imellem friske sprøde frites fra Byens Pizzeria …

Popeye – Skipper Skræk! – han var da sund, ikke?

Spinach noodles: dressing with sauce

Peel and wash the spinach, drain them carefully and place them in a saucepan with the broth and the chopped onion. Cover the pan and cook for about 25 minutes, then remove the saucepan from the heat, let it all cool down, then transfer the mixture into the mixer bowl.

Add the grated Parmesan, 2 anchovy fillets, drained from the conservation oil, a generous grind of pepper and blend until you obtain a sauce with a creamy and homogeneous consistency. Bring plenty of water to the boil in a saucepan, add salt and boil the tagliatelle. Drain them al dente and dress them with the prepared sauce.

Distribute the preparation on plates, decorate each portion with an anchovy fillet drained from the conservation oil and serve immediately piping hot.

Salsa is the Spanish word for “sauce”, and it has also come to mean the same thing in English. However, this iconic condiment, which can consist of vegetables, fruit, herbs, spices, and even grains, and which can range from mild and tangy to searing hot, is much more than a simple topping.

There are numerous categories of salsa, some uncooked (salsa cruda) and some cooked.

  • Salsa verde is “green salsa”, which is typically made from pureed tomatillos, green chilies, and cilantro.
  • Salsa roja or “red salsa” usually includes cooked red tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers.
  • Pico de gallo is a popular form of uncooked salsa made from lime juice and coarsely chopped raw ingredients including tomatoes, onions, and cilantro leaves.

Common salsas sold in U.S. grocery stores most closely resemble salsa cruda or pico de gallo, although in many cases they have been cooked to increase their shelf life.

Salsa is a prime example of the significant evolution of food trends over the past two decades. In that time, salsa has leapt into prominence not only in supermarkets and restaurants, but in ordinary cuisine. Salsa has long since surpassed ketchup as the number one condiment in the U.S., and demand only continues to grow. This increase in popularity is due in part to the various immigrant groups that continue to flow into the United States, combined with a heightened awareness of the culinary and health benefits of salsa. Salsas are usually low in fat, and the vegetables, fruits, and spices which comprise them are healthy and fresh. Additionally, enhancing flavor with spices and herbs rather than fats is an appealing technique in today’s health-conscious food arena. From a culinary standpoint, salsa can add zip and spark to many dishes, yet it is incredibly simple to prepare and has endless variations.


Unlike in other sauces, salsa’s flavors are not meant to blend completely; instead, each one should complement the others while retaining its individuality. Composing a salsa involves juggling a multitude of tastes, colors, and textures for a balanced result where each ingredient can stand out on its own without overpowering the others. Depending on the tastes desired, different ingredients can be incorporated to create a balanced set of flavors.

Written by Donald

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 11:31 GMT+0000

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Søndagstur i blæsevejr

Det var ikke iskoldt, men vind og kulde er nok ikke det bedste for mig, så jeg gik ikke på stranden, men inde i skoven, hvor jeg undrer mig over at man har vindstille, læ, – trods at der er god plads mellem træerne. Der er selvfølgelig masser af susen i trætoppene.

Som bevis for at jeg gik op ad trappen her måtte jeg ofre mig og tage en selfie, der som sædvanlig ser skræmmende ud. Sådan vil jeg helst ikke huskes, så jeg må finde et andet billede engang i nærmeste fremtid … Måske er jeg en meget god fotograf, for jeg synes faktisk at jeg kan fremhæve andre folks fornemste vinkler og egenskaber? Nå det … må jeg nok også hellere vise i nærmeste fremtid.

Hjemme igen lavede jeg mad, er det egentlig mærkeligt at jeg gider det? Det tog max ¾. Igår fik den lille familie gulerodssuppe, fasan-ruller og blomme-spidskål salat, så der var noget at leve op til.

Bliver man ikke mere mæt af hjemmelavet mad?

Spinaten ville jeg egentlig gerne have var lidt mere tyndtflydende, som en sauce (det er bouillon med hakket spinat, fra dybfrost), og man blander den i risene når man spiser og det smager himmelsk.

Hvad kalder man sådan en smagstilsætning af samme konsistens som tomatketchup?

Bagefter ZZZzzz …

Written by Donald

Monday, February 20, 2023 at 7:04 GMT+0000

Posted in Liv, Vejr

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